Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Happy St. Patrick's Day! I actually found something in my closet that was green AND almost fit.

One of my friends from college friended me today on facebook. She lives in Ireland! I love things like that. I am hoping that our baby is either born 9/9/09 or 9/19/09. Seeing how I don't have a choice, I will just be happy with what I get, but it would be really cool.

I realized that normal people write things on their blogs. I know I'm not normal, but I am trying. So I thought I'd actually write something. Not that anyone actually knows I have a blog except Mom, Shell, and Iz. Hi guys!

Our front door got shamrocked today. See my post about the mysterious snowflakers! I'll have to take a picture when I get home!

Well, I'm off to tutor for today. Bye friends!


lisa@littlesliceoflife said...

I had no idea you had a blog. I saw your URL on my SiteMeter stats. Ha! Your cover is blown!

Ginny said...

Well, since you hadn't written on here for a while I usually just check it to see our "Countdown" days!
I almost clicked out when I noticed the date...March 17...wait that's new!

why lots of "9s"?????

Can't wait to see in person that you're having difficulty fitting in your clothes....YAY! That little Sweetheart is growing in there!

Melissa Jagears said...

I tried to get Chesley to be born on 8/7/06, but she wouldn't do it. On 8/7/6 I told her, out loud even how cool of a bday that would be and how easy it would be for daddy to remember, but she didn't listen. Even when the full moon 3 days later came out and made 6 other ladies not near their due dates crash the hospital maternity ward, she still refused to budge. So, Dr. kicked her out. Ross and I have this sneaking feeling that she was such a "bad" inconsolable baby because she was mad at us for kicking her out. She was out to make us pay! So, good luck on convincing yours to come out on 999. I have a nephew that turned 5 on 5/5/05. That was cool!

Stephanie @ My Answered Prayer said...

Found ya! Did you find out who Shamrocked and snowflaked you?